Monday, December 10, 2007


Not the kind that you put in a bowl to make your house smell nice (glade gel oil candles are way better for that omg), or the kind that I drink in a cup at Starbucks (according to Radar). Just the general jumble of junk that floats through my consciousness...

Which considering that I'm tired as hell this morning should prove rather entertaining.

EQ2 - I'm a scant 7% away from level 72. Which is really good for me without a regular group like I used to have. Running around and doing quests and soloing has gotten me rather far. And I have had help here and there which breaks up the monotony a good deal.

One of the lovely people I truly enjoy is in my guild now. Shipwreck. He isn't really mean and hateful nor cold-hearted... although there is a LOT more mocking of me going on... However it's making me giggle and ya know... Shippie. Can't really beat that.

There's going to be another write up of my adventures in RoK... Cause seriously... someone needs to smack quest writers for some of that nastiness.

Life in general - Changing dryer sheets goes right up to the top of my "do not" list. Jeez. I have very fair skin (thank you dad and the lovely celtic genes) and it happens to be very sensitive as well. So when I changed dryer sheets to the downy ones that smell all yummy and lavanderish and stuff? Yeah. Hi, rash. Big, angry, red, itchy rashness. Everywhere. * twitch *

So I rewashed all my clothes and went back to the old dryer sheets. One major downfall to being girlie and liking stuff that smells good. Stupid dryer sheets. Stupid mountain of laundry that wants folding and putting away. Stupid writers strike with no Heroes and lots of time to fold and put away laundry.

I have a purple phone. That's right. PURPLE PHONE. Ask Promise to sing the purple phone song. It's highly entertaining.

I also have yet another (cause you people really need another reason to laugh at me) confession to make.

I'm a literary snob. Always have been. And the number one no no book on my list has always been a romance novel. Any romance novel. I've always snubbed them and turned up my nose. This isn't to say that one or two haven't slipped through under the guise of another genre... I mean, hello, have any of you read the Earth's Children series by Jean M. Aeul? Totally romance novels on the DL.

That having been said, I actually went out and deliberately picked up a romance novel. From the grocery store.

Embarassing confession = I actually really enjoyed it. So I'm having to revise my opinion it seems. They aren't all Roland's throbbing manflesh and Jessica's heaving bosoms. Nor are they all mad passionate joinings every few pages. The one I read was fairly well done and managed to... somewhat, tastefully work in the sex and actually have it fit where it was stuck in the story. As opposed to the stories that just sorta shove it in there because it's been a whole chapter and no one has been brought to the screaming edge of pleasure.

* sigh * I'm such a girl :(

Oh, and I suck at guitar hero. There is simply no measure of my suckitude. My hand eye coordination blows. I can hit all the little coloured tabs in time with the buttons (and no, you don't have to be able to see colours to know which ones to hit) no problem. Oh, you want me to flip this little bar thingie to REGISTER that I'm pushing the right buttons at the right time WHILE still pushing the buttons....

ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND???? * sob * The pressure is unbelievable. They boo at you if you miss notes. THEY BOO!!! Talk about stress. Holy crap.

That having been said... I managed to rock me some Pat Benetar at around 85% on my second try. And yes, I did in fact choose the cute little asian chick in the school girl outfit as my avatar. She's in purple and has pigtails. What's not to love? Pat and I have a date later tonight...

Oh and yes, I play on easy. It'll probably be a very cold day in hell if I ever manage to play the game on anything other than easy. So shut it, right now.


Almagill said...

Scores Guitar Hero right off the presents list.

Just reading that you'v egot to do this with one hand and that with the other and then they boo... I know there would be a serious controller meets tv screen moment the first time I played that when I wasn't feeling totally on top of things.

Dryer sheets.... yeah. Skin like a rhino here(hey, I'm about 300 years old, live in a Northern climate and am a bloke to boot) and those things can reduce me to tears with itchy scritchy red rash nastiness if the Laundry Pilot decides she's going to try something 'new' because it was reduced at the store.

(Trying not to itch at the thought now.)

Kiara said...

heh. exactly. so imagine the fun when your skin is extra sensitive hehe.

even with the booing and the total lack of hand eye coordination, guitar hero is pretty fun :)