Friday, November 30, 2007

why i need to win the damn lottery...

Because work keeps getting in the way of this. Alright, it gets in the way of a lot of other stuff too, but it's seriously putting a cramp in the time that I have to blather at the four poor sods who read this junk.

Thus, I have decided that this weekend I'll be winning the lottery so that I don't have to work anymore and will have time to post every. single. day. Yeah, I know, you're all so thrilled that you've gone numb and that's why there's no applause. It's okay. I love you too.

After being out of touch for a bit as I was and then the mad crush of trying to figure out how to catch back up with junk, I got back into game for real and was kind of at a loss.

What to do and do I really want to keep playing?

It didn't really hurt me to not do much in game for a week or so. I read like four books, watched the entire first season of Heroes, and some other junk. I felt all productive (and yes I have to review books. I know. Shush). It was kind of nice.

Well, I was reminded why I keep playing. Besides, of course, for the fun factor.

The people. I can't ever stress enough how important the people and community are for the longevity of a game. I've been bored to tears a number of times and on the verge of taking an extended haiatus and managed to keep going because of the people.

I think I know some of the funniest people in game. Personal bias all the way, of course.

My guild is awesome too. We joke and laugh and everyone has a sense of humour. Or most everyone does. The people who don't usually don't last that long.

The other night, one of our templars decided she was going to move her alt into a lower level guild to play with some friends.

One of the officers went to boot her out of the guild cause it's fun and it would be amusing to have on the guild events. Except that she was either too quick on the draw or he was too slow... Because she ended up out and he ended up kicking a necro. A necro with a LOT of guild status. A necro who was in fact online at the time and in vent.

From what people said his comments in vent were priceless and I'm actually really sorry I wasn't there for it. As it was, I was crying so hard I could barely see the screen. It was seriously priceless.

We got him reguilded and all, and I THINK he's forgiven our officer for accidently kicking him. Maybe. We'll find out at the next raid.

We're social creatures, we humans. It's an incredibly effective tool for game companies to use to their advantage. You can have the most incredible game on the face of the planet and no community and it will fail. You can have a mediocre game and have a fantastic community of people and it will thrive.

Happily, EQ2 is both an amazing game and has a fantastic community.

I know that I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for the people I've met. SOE does a great job of trying to promote that feeling of family you develop in these kinds of games. Sure, there are people who complain and don't like it... but there are people like that everywhere. Nothing pleases them. They sure are fun to mess with though ;)

What does this have to do with the lottery? Well, DUH. I'd have more time to play. Sheesh. Try to follow along...

Thursday, November 22, 2007



There's some story about pilgrims and a thanksgiving feast to commemorate them making friends with the Indians (whom they later royally screwed) and having enough food to survive the winter blah blah blah.

It's a holiday to get together with friends (or if you happen to have a family who isn't bat shit insane, with them) and eat. Socialize a bit and watch lots of tv as well, but mostly to eat.

Now don't get me wrong. I love food (as can be seen just looking at my ass). I love to eat. But the best part for me is actually the cooking. Yeah don't ask me why, I just love to cook.

This year I've made enough food for about 10 people and there are going to be two of us, a few cats, and my best friend's boyfriend whenever he gets back from his parents' place.

I was gifted with a groovy idea about mixing my stuffing and mashed potatoes this year. It looks and smells divine and I'm pretty sure I'll be doing this every year for the rest of my life now. I mean seriously... what's bad about it?

Then there's pie. I love pie. I was going to make three kinds this year... But I ended up deciding it might be a bit excessive. See? I have self control. So there!!

Mostly the reason that Thanksgiving is one of my favourite holidays is that it's sort of the trigger for fall and winter. This is my time of year. Everything cools off, the air gets crisp. Everything is a little cheerier.

So for those of us chowing down today, enjoy! For everyone who doesn't have this silly made up holiday with no real basis in anything? Have a happy Thursday and remember the weekend is damned close.

Monday, November 19, 2007

back in the saddle again!

I had my very first ever trip to the ER. Then I got to spend a week doing my very best impression of a teenager (read: sleeping 16 hours a day). Not the best week of my life.

However, it did afford me an interesting little tidbit to mull over.

Today's update was going to be all about community and its importance to gaming in general and MMOs in particular. But that can wait til tomorrow.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this blurb I saw on 60 minutes when I was sitting in the ER and trying not to cry from pain that was actually worse than being in labour. Yeah. That bad. I was immediately reminded of why I am not in a rush to have more kids.

The 60 mins blurb sort of reinforced that notion.

There were a couple of guys going on about how kids today (godsdamnit that makes me feel old to say it that way * sob *) aren't expected to be adults until after at least 26 years of age. There's a whole generation of kids out there who are living at home until their 30's. Or later.

All pain was momentarily forgotten as I tried to grasp that concept.

They went on to talk about how they don't need to focus on finding a career. It's acceptable to shop around now. Four jobs in a year on your resume is no big deal now... Colour me surprised. I can't get anyone to LOOK at my resume unless I've been somewhere for a year.

Add to that the fact that if I could have gotten out of the house and on my own at 16, I'd have been that cute little dust cloud that the Roadrunner leaves in the cartoons.

I understand that economically it's a good move and all... but I still can't imagine staying at home so long.

Do you have a curfew? Do you have to tell your parents where you're going and when you'll be back? How do you DATE? You can't very well bring a date home and hang out and stuff, can you? How does that work anyway? Hey baby, my parents are out tonight, wanna come over and watch a movie? That isn't even getting into the logistics of having a sex life. * shudder *

Perhaps it's a difference in rearing techniques on the part of the parents. The way I was raised, there as no way that I would have been able to remain at home a second longer than absolutely necessary. One, I was raised to be independent and get out and do for myself. Two, they were distinctively NOT of the nurturing variety.

At any rate, my best friend and I were sitting there with sick kids, kids with puss-filled elbows, and creepy guys who we couldn't tell what was wrong with them, kinda looking at the tv and each other...

And promptly forgot it all when a girl walked in with a t-shirt that said: I'm not a model, I just look like one... And well yeah. She really didn't.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Still sick... * sigh *

But that's okay!!!

Because it's November. It's national write a novel month or some such nonsense. Basically it's a challenge to write a full 50k words in 30 days. Sound crazy? It surely is. And I'm already 6 days behind.

Chances are I won't even attempt it simply for the lack of time to devote. I mean hello!! there's EQ2 expansion launching in exactly 7 days. I don't know how anyone could expect me to miss that for some silly novel.

However, the event does conjure up the desire to finally get off my fat ass and write. So I've made a solemn vow to actually make the effort to do some "real" writing and not just the randomness I torment you fine folk with or the stuff with which I torture the Zam folks.

I know... non gaming related writing... Almost seems like blasphemy doesn't it?

Speaking of which... The writer's unions are on strike. They think they should get paid a bit more and get a bigger cut of dvd residuals as well as get kickback for the internet sales and all that. And I agree. They get shafted. Hard. Yeah they make good money... I'd be thrilled. However when you look at what other people get for what the WRITERS produce... Yeah it's complete and utter bullshit.

The problem is... If the writers are on strike? That means that Heroes is in danger. Since this is literally the only TV show that I watch and I have to go on in order to do so... Yeah. I'm distressed. They need to clear this up in a big fat hurry.

To the corporations... Stop being greedy bastards and frelling pony up the damn money. I want my freaking Heroes.

(Sidebar: I'm listening to the radio and evidently there's a little girl with 4 arms and legs and stuff... some sort of conjoined twin thing. Spiderbaby. * nod * Spiderbaby Spiderbaby does whatever a spider can...)

At any rate. I'm a firm believer in paying people what they're worth. And in this case, the corporations need to start paying their writers. Period. Because without the writers, the TV networks are boned. They're going to be losing FAR more money than they'll be paying out if they give the raise they should. This boggles my mind. It's just so easy.

Everyone cross your fingers. Heroes is on the line here.