Thursday, December 6, 2007


So I finally got around to claiming my little badger dude for the RoK preorder.

Cutest thing EVER omg. He's adorable. He has a little flat kung fu hat. I just wanna give him chopsticks and a bowl of rice.

Best part? HE GIVES YOU SHINIES!!!! True, you don't get to harvest them... so there's a certain amount of gratification gone. BUT OMG HE GIVES YOU SHINIES.

I won't even cop to how much I spent on badger food. But it's been worth it. I've gotten shinies I needed and couldn't get. I've gotten rare shinies. Rarer shinies.

I'm in shinie freaking heaven. I may never leave my room again.

On a side note, my CS issue has been resolved. And whilst it turns out that nothing can be done about my problem, at some point during the back and forth they started acting like people and actually taking a minute to respond like a normal person to my statements and not automatons.

I hate that it took me being flat out rude to get there... but I'm happy that they did get there.

* tucks away her little hope for SOE's CS for safe keeping *

On a side note... I've applied for a job to get me out of the grind of number crunching (which actually isn't all that bad, I like my job just not the oppressive atmosphere). So let's all cross our fingers and toes and eyes and whatever else can be crossed without causing damage :)


Kallarn said...

*crosses all crossable limbs*

I would feed my Burynai stuff for shinies but ive been banned from my house until its decorated.

Still by the time i can get back in ill have a ton of food and stuff.

Kiara said...

omg the badger is the best toy EVAR.

* swoon *

Unknown said...

Ok, let me get this straight...

A badger (a decidedly Canadian creature) who you want to dress up to look Chinese...

Why does that just not surprise me?

Kiara said...

* beats psibr with a stick *

Almagill said...

"A badger (a decidedly Canadian creature)" - Ah, that'll be the badger that features so heavily that famous Canadian book "Wind In The Willows"? ;)

I just get confused and keep thinking it's called a biryani. Which is really disappointing as it's not ONCE left me some curry...

Glad you got your CS issues sorted, Kiara. That's good news. And GL with the job thing :) Even rubbish jobs are a LOT more fun when it's a good atmosphere.