Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's Mon.... oh wait. Tuesday!!!

My days are currently messed up. It's kind of sad that I've gotten to a point in my life where if I miss a day of work, I don't know what day I'm on.

Couple of points of interest, prefaced with the standard disclaimer. The following are my personal views and have nothing to do with any of my employers either past, present, or future.

There was a giant bruhaha last week about a guild being moved from Test to a live server.

First point. People are * sigh *. They sit there and bitch and moan about how evil SOE is and how they don't care two cents for their customers and only want to squeeze as much money as possible out of them. When SOE turns around and does something nice, contests, giveaways, whatever, these same people turn around and bitch about whatever nice thing they've tried to do. Nothing is ever good enough, nor right, nor caring enough about their customers.

Second point. Yeah, it was done the wrong way. It was a nice gesture, implemented incorrectly.

But come on... When faced with an example of SOE trying to do something nice and make a gesture, what did all these ravening fans of the little guy do? They frothed at the mouth and DEMANDED that it be undone. Which it was. Rather than being happy for fellow players, they cried, whined, screamed, and generally pitched fits. They slung mud at anyone they could. They even accused Grimwell of instigating the whole mess because they said he had a character in the guild that was transferred. It was a ridiculous and childish display. Wholly unworthy of the community I've been with and loved for so long.

I'm heartily ashamed of this. Mistakes aside, it was a kind gesture. I applaud the sentiment behind it. And to Grimwell specifically, I give huge kudos for handling the whole mess with grace.

Second point of interest.

During this whole mess, Scott Hartsman announced his resignation from SOE. He'll be moving on to other projects. I wish him nothing but the best. I'll be sad that he won't be involved with EQ2 anymore. He and the dev team have made huge strides over the years together.

This news was leaked weeks ago. There have been rampant rumours and general nonsense. Some total crap about why he was leaving. The whole mess was handled with so little respect for Scott that I was appalled. I understand that people think they have a right to know every little aspect of someone's life if they are even remotely public, but come on people. If someone had splashed details about your job all over the internet, I'd imagine you'd all be more than a little torqued off.

Once again, handled with considerable grace.

These are both stellar examples of the people who work on EQ2. They've brought passion and dedication to our game and made it better by leaps and bounds. They've taken the venom and disrespect flung at them from the community and moved on and kept making the game the best they could.

I'm disappointed in the community right now. I've come to expect so much more. I can only hope this is one of those rare flukes caused by the full moon and that I'll soon have my mature, kind, and helpful EQ2 family back.

Oh... and I wish Bruce Ferguson good luck.


Almagill said...

On your first point, totally agree. Good idea badly done and probably with hindsight something that's not going to happen again in a hurry.

On your second point, aye, sorry to see Scott go. Selfishly hoping that this won't start a string of changes that impacts on the game.

Almeric said...

There were two major pieces of the flame-fest regarding the Test Server moves.

One was special treatment/inconsistency on the part of SOE not following their own rules.

The other was that, while the Test folks were "scrubbed" of their Test-only gear, they still made it to the live server with gear from contested raid mobs.

I think the latter is VERY VERY TELLING about why the shit hit the fan with the force that it did. People make me sad.