Thursday, December 20, 2007

just call me mrs. fields!

So, all caught up in the spirit of giving and generally feeling domestic and nestish, I hied myself to my kitchen and cooked up about six batches of snickerdoodles.

Best. Cookie. Ever. Bar none.

Which also leads me to the notion that now that I've finally got some time, I'll be sending some cookies to SOE in general appreciation.

Along with a note that says they can have the antidote just as soon as I get my purple flamed nightmare * nod *


I've actually been thinking a lot about the recent events in our little community of Dark Elves and all the rest of you...

I'm reminded again of just how important it is to have open and truthful communication between the company and the playerbase. We'll forgive a whole lot of stuff as long as we're told the truth.

It seems so easy. Unfortunately sometimes it isn't easy to keep up completely truthful communication and transparency. Sometimes there's information that just doesn't need to be conveyed. We don't actually need to know the step by step of server updating or build loading or any of the rest of that. But there are times when that's the answer to the question: Why?

I think it's a fine line to walk. A balancing act of ginormous proportions with a bunch of torches and pitchforks at the bottom of the pit.

It's also interesting to see how individuals handle it on both sides.

There are still hiccups here and there, but I think we've got a good bunch of community managers for EQ2 and they do a pretty good job of keeping open and truthful communication with the community.

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