Thursday, September 6, 2007

On turning 30...

I wish I could say there was something profound and life changing about it.

But yeah. Not really. Today is just like any other day. I don't feel wiser or old or anything else that is supposed to be attached to the mystical 3-0. Just isn't blowing my skirt up.

I may very well be defective.

On the other hand... In the month or so preceding my induction into the land of grown ups (yeah, right) I have come to the decision that it's time to stop messing around and go back to school so I can get a real job. Cause this working for 15$ an hour crap is old.

I've also been giving serious thought to my love life. Or perhaps lack thereof. It isn't that I don't know what I want. I do. I'm actually quite thoroughly and completely certain of what I want... It's now a matter of getting the courage worked up to do something about it.

So... yeah. 30 is really no big deal. Maybe 40 will be...


Almeric said...

Happy Birthday :)

Not that you sound especially happy, but 30 isn't so bad. I'm 13 days short of 31, and I'm still hanging in there ;)

Go have some fun!

Kiara said...

Oh I'm not unhappy at all :)

I just expected a little more... oomph to the day somehow :)

But thank you muchly my dear!

Almeric said...

Chronologically, you're 30 today.

Physically, you're still 29.

Nope. I look exactly the same
as I have since summer.

No, I didn't expect to wake up transformed. I just thought that turning 30 would be so major that I'd wake up with an improved mental state that would show on my face.

All it shows is that I don't
have any sort of a tan left.

Homeslice said...

I find that age does not make any changes but events do.

I am sure you felt something more when you gave birth or the first time you drove or the first time a dude felt your boobies.

Age is nothing but a number, although I do hear 16 will get you 20.

Homeslice said...

Oh and Happy Birthday! You should have said something!!

Madhog said...


Oh, 40 is the same as 30. Seriously. Theres this huge expectation around it but like you say, its just another day.

I dont feel any different than when I was 20. I dont act much differently either tbh. Tho that said, when I was 20, I acted like a 15 year old heh.

Getting old is all in the mind. Dont worry about the numbers, concentrate on what yer doing with yer life. Its not a rehersal.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the b-day... As was already said, age really is more of a state of mind than anything else... As long as you continue to feel young and retain that youthful energy, you'll be fine! (and now, I shall return to lurking around the interweb...)