Tuesday, September 11, 2007

There are a few things...

That just piss me the hell off.

I'm not talking little annoyances like the guy in the office with the ridiculously loud voice. I'm talking things and people who make me want to track them down and vivisect them.

That's right. Jack Thompson! (Alright. Not really. I just threw that out for Mads *blows a kiss*)

In actuality this is probably going to be a two day rant. Today it's all about entitlement.

I loathe and despise the entitlement attitude that the vast majority of the world seems to have with every fiber of my being. I hate it the way raiders hate casuals and soloers hate everyone.

What set me off this time was a discussion about fluff items in game. Can you freaking believe? Something that has no effect whatsoever on your game play. It's a triviality at best, and yet there are people out there frothing at the mouth and whining like little bitches about this.

Mind you, these people will whine like little bitches about any and everything. The biggest whine is that SOE deliberately excludes people. Especially people who aren't American. Contests are thought up with the sole and express purpose of blowing off any customer who doesn't live in the US. My response to that? Bull. Shit. And quite frankly it blows my frelling mind that you are actually that shallow and self absorbed and CHILDISH to really think that a major company, located in the US, would seriously sit down at a meeting and ponder all the ways they can tell the rest of the world to go eff themselves. Grow the hell up.

What set me off? Fan Faire cloaks. That's right. People who preregistered for Fan Faire and managed to drag their pasty white arses out to the desert to sweat and suffer from sun exposure got a little fluff item just for going. It's pretty and purple (WOO!) and it shoots off fireworks. Wow. That's a frelling game breaker right there. Stop the goddamn presses! That's gonna swing all the raids. EVERYONE NEEDS ONE!!! Oh wait. Not everyone made it to Fan Faire. Well, hell. Everyone should get them anyway! Cause that's just elitist and exclusionary and just flat out rude. If everyone doesn't get it, no one should.

* boggle * SG-01, who is a rather lovely and sweet boy, came from overseas to go to Fan Faire. Gods only know how much it cost him. I called in favours, begged, borrowed, and sold off one of Radar's kidneys in order to make it to Fan Faire. It isn't exactly like I flashed my tits at SOE and got a spiffy little item just by virtue of living in the boil on the ass of the US or anything.

And yet there are honestly people out there in the world who still think it's all about them. The people who made the effort and sported the cost of getting out to this event and supporting their game and the company who makes it shouldn't get anything as a gesture of thanks or appreciation. You know what? My 5 year old is more mature than that. People like this make me sick and honestly make me fear for the future.

This whole "give me," "I deserve," "I am owed" mentality is truly frightening. It's a rampant freaking disease. Instant gratification and self absorbed behaviour is becoming the norm and it's throwing society down the toilet at a rapid little swirl.

Grow. Up. Not. All. About. You.

* twitch *


Kallarn said...

Society is already halfway down the S-bend, with entitlment, lack of common sense, selfishness not to mention the whole blame culture and people with no money sense.

The human animal is corrupt and needs its arse kicking in a big way, sadly our choice of replacements as top dog on this planet are cats or dolphins and while i love cats i know they just would be too lazy and i couldnt stand living under a superior race that reminded me of old flipper re-runs.

We need aliens to invade, we are entitled to alien masters goddammit!

Unknown said...

Kiara! I didn't even know this existed! Were you trying to keep me away? :( I'm going to go cry now.

Oh and P.S. You know my views on this :)

Kiara said...

no i wasn't, yes i do, and exactly kall...

Kiara said...

* chuckles *

Oh and for Mads? I've been spelling labour correctly for many years before I knew you existed my dear ;)

Blame it on doing a lot of reading when I was younger. Got into the habit in high school and haven't been able to shake it.

Plus? Bonus points for annoying the piss out of Coyote.

Almagill said...

Well, there goes the neighbourhood, Almagill's here.

Right, self deprecation aside, and possibly pre-empting the second part of your two episode rant, damn right on the entitlement culture crap.

So what, you didn't get a painting because you didn't go to a RL event. It's not the end of the world, get your arse to the next one if is is *that* important. I got a total flaming off some pratt who objected to my harvester toon that lives on the Island had a crappy staff that I'd got as a reward for filling in(iirc) a survey for an insurance company.

There are better (statwise) items dropping as loot on the island. It was just something that looked pretty but oh no, Mr I'm Going To Be A Lvl15Slayer and hunt you down couldn't live with that. It was unfair.

Well, kiss my hairy Scots arse. And go fill in the survey next time it's offered.

OK, being a Brit I've got to comment on SOE's competition rules. Yes it dies feel unfair to find yourself excluded from the fun (especially as I can't recall there ever being an EU only one ?) BUT SOE could have saved themselves repeated gripes, complaints, tantrums and toy throwing incidents by explaining right up front WHY it was a US only compo. Believe it or not, treat us like grown ups and we might (might) act that way. Ignore the rants and they just feed off each other, building up a head of steam and then there are bannings and many, many pouty faces.

Right, got to go read Broks.. thing .

Homeslice said...

Ok stop with the U's Grrrrrrr

I personally just ignore people that feel entitled to something. I really have nothing most of the time and will happily share that with anyone but if people are asshats and need to show it then I ignore it and enjoy what I do have myself.

And your five year old is probably more mature than I am :)

Lisa Mansell said...

"And your five year old is probably more mature than I am :)"