Monday, September 3, 2007

Summer is officially over...

It's labour day and the kiddos are back in school.

I always had to go to school on my birthday because it oh so conveniently fell after labour day. Such a freaking bummer.

As I stare straight into the face of 30, I'm looking back at my life and wondering how the hell I made it this far. Then I wonder what the hell I've done and come up with the answer: Not enough.

So it's time for some changes. I'm going to go back to school (or try, at least cause there's no law says they have to take me) and get an advanced degree and actually start doing something with my life. I think I've screwed around at this whole work a job I don't like and barely get by thing far long enough. It's time to get serious.

So I'll be leaving behind childish things... Except for games. And maybe I'll hang onto that whole soulmate thing too...


Homeslice said...

You better take that U right out of your "labour" It is an American holiday and it is Labor Day so fix it now!

And I am actually older than you and getting around to not being such a bum but I am marrying a sugar mama anyways.

Madhog said...

I know its old but I feel partly responsible for you spelling labour correctly!


Homeslice said...

That is not correctly!!!