Monday, November 19, 2007

back in the saddle again!

I had my very first ever trip to the ER. Then I got to spend a week doing my very best impression of a teenager (read: sleeping 16 hours a day). Not the best week of my life.

However, it did afford me an interesting little tidbit to mull over.

Today's update was going to be all about community and its importance to gaming in general and MMOs in particular. But that can wait til tomorrow.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this blurb I saw on 60 minutes when I was sitting in the ER and trying not to cry from pain that was actually worse than being in labour. Yeah. That bad. I was immediately reminded of why I am not in a rush to have more kids.

The 60 mins blurb sort of reinforced that notion.

There were a couple of guys going on about how kids today (godsdamnit that makes me feel old to say it that way * sob *) aren't expected to be adults until after at least 26 years of age. There's a whole generation of kids out there who are living at home until their 30's. Or later.

All pain was momentarily forgotten as I tried to grasp that concept.

They went on to talk about how they don't need to focus on finding a career. It's acceptable to shop around now. Four jobs in a year on your resume is no big deal now... Colour me surprised. I can't get anyone to LOOK at my resume unless I've been somewhere for a year.

Add to that the fact that if I could have gotten out of the house and on my own at 16, I'd have been that cute little dust cloud that the Roadrunner leaves in the cartoons.

I understand that economically it's a good move and all... but I still can't imagine staying at home so long.

Do you have a curfew? Do you have to tell your parents where you're going and when you'll be back? How do you DATE? You can't very well bring a date home and hang out and stuff, can you? How does that work anyway? Hey baby, my parents are out tonight, wanna come over and watch a movie? That isn't even getting into the logistics of having a sex life. * shudder *

Perhaps it's a difference in rearing techniques on the part of the parents. The way I was raised, there as no way that I would have been able to remain at home a second longer than absolutely necessary. One, I was raised to be independent and get out and do for myself. Two, they were distinctively NOT of the nurturing variety.

At any rate, my best friend and I were sitting there with sick kids, kids with puss-filled elbows, and creepy guys who we couldn't tell what was wrong with them, kinda looking at the tv and each other...

And promptly forgot it all when a girl walked in with a t-shirt that said: I'm not a model, I just look like one... And well yeah. She really didn't.


Kallarn said...

Woo she's back!

Almagill said...

Welcome back *huggles* !!!

So, yeah, kids today, eh? What ARE they like...

My oldest (24) just moved out a couple of months back and it's probably been the best thing she could have done, for herself and for her poor long suffering folks.

If she'd stuck around till her late 20's? Early 30's? No, I'm pretty sure there'd have been murder done. (j/k)

Kiara said...

yeah sorry about the long absence... something about being ill enough to require medication sorta takes the write right out of me.

alrighty Alma... how did that whole thing WORK? I mean she's 24 and living at home... weren't there clashes with her wanting to be adult and independent and such? Did she still have to follow house rules? Talk to me.

Homeslice said...

I think it all depends on the situation and the parents.

Lisa lives at home although she had moved out for a few years but moved back in after leaving her last boyfriend. So she is 25 and at home and guess what, I am moving in at the end of the year. We do not plan on staying longer than we have to but moving countries is a big step so help is happening from both sets of parents.

Her parents are cool and we don't have a wild life but we can come and go as we please. I told her that there is no sex in her parents house but that rule did not last long when I was there last year for six weeks.

I could not have lasted with my dad into my 20s or 30s but at the same time I wish I could have :) I left home when I was 17 because him and I could not get along. We get along great now and I always did love him but we can't live together. We have too much of a generation gap and I am way too liberal for him and I to share ideas.

However, I think every kid and parent have a different situation every time and there is no way to really place a generalized cycle. In some areas it is just way too expensive, some kids go to college for 4-8 years. A lot of things can come into play.

It all just comes down to the relationship of the parent(s) and child(ren).

Kiara said...

see, those reasons i can get behind and understand...

it's just that these kids had this whole not wanting to be responsible attitude.

i think that's what made my mind go in loops.

Almagill said...

How did it work?

Well, let me put it this way...

House rules... I'd shout, she'd ignore me, her mum would pick up the pieces.

Curfew? Hahahaaaa!! Yeah, that worked.
"Be in by midnight?"
Two days later... "Where the hell have you been??"
"Oh, I just popped in to my mates and then went to work from there..."
"And they don't have telephones, your mates? Or at your work? GO TO YOUR ROOM!!!"
"See ya later, just popping out for five minutes..."

(Seriously though, she's a good kid and I'm really proud of her. Just don't tell her that, 'k?)