Thursday, October 11, 2007

(insert witty title here)

Yeah... I got nothing.

Well for a title anyway.

Mostly just a lot of thoughts floating about in my head. So I'm just going to sift out the game related stuff, cause the rest of it is none of anyone's damned business.

Gods and Heroes

While I called the death of this game from the second I read the first interview with Steig (incidentally, Steig was reached after much debate over the correct spelling... We've all seen it both ways and can never decide which is correct. So if it is misspelt, send your hate mail to kkthx.), I'm still sorry to see it crash and burn.

There are a lot of factors that contributed to its demise that I'm sure I have no clue about one way or the other. The main one that I see from a player's standpoint, though, is that it tried too hard. They took Roman culture and mythology and made unnecessary changes to something that didn't need it. They also tried to incorporate what seems like all the most successful aspects of major games on the market. And in the end... It was just too much fantasy in a glutted market. When someone like me, who has eaten up mythology since 3rd grade, throws up their hands in disgust, you're doing something wrong. Period.

Gallenite, who's terribly smart and awfully cute too, posted about the development side of game making and all that's involved. Go read.

My guild

Are a bunch of loons. I love them dearly :) They're curing my burnout most handily.


Must. Get. To. 70... * twitch *


Arugh. Just... Arguh. I wanna play this game. I give them massive props for having the brass to take down the beta servers and say "Hey, you gave us good feedback... we're fine tuning and reopening the beta later." That's awesome. DAoC should have been bigger than it was. It was a well made game. So hopefully they'll do good stuff with WAR.

Tabula Rasa

Not sure... still debating. I like the idea and the feel... but there's a learning curve that sorta turned me off at first. Hopefully they refine that a bit.

Winning the lottery

I need to. That is all.


Kallarn said...

Me first on the lottery win please.

Homeslice said...

If I win one of the big ones I will treat you all to some sort of fine treat.

I hardly know anything about mythology so not sure what Gods and Heroes did but without playing it, I am not sure what they had going for them.

Good luck on making 70.

I am in the same boat for Warhammer. I heard they actually closed beta back in January or February and just seem to like to do it to fix major stuff. I haven't played yet but I really really want to.

And Tabula Rasa is one that really throws me off.I think it is ok. There are other games I would rather play but I almost feel like I am missing something here that everyone else knows about. My biggest thing that surprises me is I know a lot of folks that love some RP and love this game. I have it preordered since I missed out on my beta code so that is how I got in but I have my guy up to like 8 or 9 now and just still am not reeled in but I guess I just won't be.