Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?

I often joke that I have a "Freaks and Creeps Apply Here" tattoo on my forehead. Whilst this is obviously not true, as my forehead isn't large enough for that, it is an on going sensation.

Being female in an MMO is... interesting, for lack of a better term.

One need not even really be female to experience this. Which is an entirely separate discussion.

Just being perceived as female often garners attention. You'll get random pressies just for being a chick and showing up in the newbie zone. Can you say, eww?

What's worse is when you're minding your own business and making some potions and poisons and such (what kind of an idiot messes with a woman who can make poison, btw???). Sitting there crafting away, carefully measuring out components for that oh so dangerous hemotoxin...

freaky_guy_01 tells you: nice underwear!
I beg your pardon?
freaky_guy_01 tells you: do you often craft in your underwear?
* twitch * The plate gets in the way * goes back to crafting, mildly amused *
freaky_guy_01 tells you: a bunch of stuff that can't be repeated, not even here.
* gags * You're creepy. Go away.
freaky_guy_01 tells you: even worse things that make me want to go bathe in acid..
/ignore freaky_guy_01!!11!one11eleventyzomg!

guh. guh guh guh and a big heaping side helping of GUH.

Now, I know that this is an extreme case. I know that this doesn't really happen to all that many women. But good gods it seems to happen to me a lot.

Obviously my own fault for having a Dark Elf (superior race, hottest chicks in game, etc etc).

But it kind of makes you wonder about people who just randomly strike up that sort of conversation, if that's what you wanna call it, with a pixilated version of a totally fictitious race and assuming that just because these pixels are female means that the consciousness behind them is also female.

If I'd been thinking clearly at the time I'd have busted out with: Dude, I'm a guy. That would likely have been the end of it. But I'm just not that quick and I was so thrown by the whole episode that my mind was reeling.

I get flirted with a lot online, it's just sorta what you deal with being a chick gamer. Random and kinda sad PM's on forums from people you don't know, tells, mail, whatever. Somehow they always find you because you're Eleanor. Two points for the reference.

I honestly don't think people know just how creepy this really can be. And then I think to myself, good GODS why do they do it in the first place?

When someone figures it all out, lemme know! I'll just be in the bathroom trying to scrub this invisible tattoo off my forehead.


Kallarn said...

Hey Kiara....how YOU doin' *waggles eyebrows* :p

I've played female characters for years, i always start out as a guy main but then for some odd reason end up playing my female alt.

I once went afk in my city in SWG to eat and came back 15 mins later and this guy had had a complete one sided conversation including some very creepy and dodgy things. He got reported pretty quick.

Im now a high elf dirge in EQ2 as my main (Poor Kallarn got retired for a bit) and find i get the same as you've said. Now to me when i meet someone in game i do take their gender as whatever they say or make it out to be but why oh why does that have to mean you hit on a female 'as standard'?

I don't pretend to be female...ever (aside from the basic RP which never goes down THAT road) but still people do the whole flirting thing or just go straight into lewd comments. In one pickup raid when i was on my dirge i made a joke when i joined (bards being somewhat rare) about charging for my dirgely services, this suddenly became a torrent about what else id have to do and how much they'd pay to do it.

To say i was gobsmacked is an understatement, i promptly shut up after that and kept my head down. I have however only known one woman to go to the lengths of making a male character to get away from it.

Kiara said...

Yeah, it's a little creepy.

I'm always so happy to find other women, it's ridiculous. But I find comfort in having other females around.

Which is not to say that I don't joke and flirt. However that flirting is generic and universal and simply me being friendly.

I rarely flirt seriously with anyone, as someone has to be bloody special for that.

When not completely floored by some of the comments, I usually just put them in their places by mercilessly making fun of them. Everything from the stereotypical basement dwelling comments to cracks about puberty, size, and appeal to the opposite sex.

That stops them dead.

That guy the other day though... * boggle * caught me totally off guard and skeeved me out to the point where I had to go check the locks on the doors.

Kallarn said...

Have you ever made a male character as your main?

Kiara said...

No, can't do it. They're ugly.

Kallarn said...

Haha well thats one answer i wasnt expecting.

Kiara said...


Almagill said...

Oh you should do it. As an experiment. And if they're so ugly you at least know that that's one male you can make disappear *just like that*.

I've run a few female toons in SWG. Partly out of curiosity to see if they really DO get more tips than a guy doing exactly the same thing. They do. And partly because, yep, male toons are fugly.

HEck *I* started getting pissed off at the squeakers who'd insist on dancing in her chest. Or spamming propose unity and then mouthing off really gross obscenities. *sigh* Many, many reportings that caused.

Best laugh of all though, one particulary obnoxious yeehaw had been really going for it. I'd logged off, went back an hour later and dammit he was still around and headed straight back to the 'tina. SO he's there, posing it up in front of his buds, being gross, offensive and behaving in a way that would have got him a bottle in the face in even the most refined bars when I had a flash of inspiration.

Targetted his second loudest buddy..

/tt Hey, help me out here. How do I tell your pal that I'm not a chick. I'm a 400lb truck driver from Idaho and he's really starting to turn me on..

Deathly silence.

Half the cantina falls on the floor laughing. Five minutes of hate tells but the rest of the evening was spent watching the poor sod get the piss ripped out of him by all his former 'buddies'.

Kallarn said...

Oh good times alma, i also had a female dancer and it was so funny when some kid came in did the whole disgusting flirty thing then you told them you were a guy.

How many times can they exclaim in spatial that you are 'Gay!!!' and seem so thoroughly terrified yet stupid and obnoxious at the same time while trying to be 'manly' with the remaining dancers.

Unknown said...

You mean.. girls characters AREN'T played by females in real life? Dang it.. that explains a few things...

Kiara said...

i'm disgusted with the lot of you for not getting the reference.

-10 dkp for all of you!

Kallarn said...

Sorry :p the only eleanor reference that even sprang to mind was gone in 60 seconds but i dont think its that at all.

Kiara said...

that was exactly it.

2 points to Kall.

Kallarn said...

Woo that was definitely a "which finger holds the power of the universe." moment :p

2 points for that one.

Kiara said...


you come on MY blog trying to test my knowledge of geeky movies?

* smacks Kall * get out of here peck!

Leave Val... he and I need to talk * purrs *

Kallarn said...

Yeah alot of talking gonna happen there...

Almagill said...

Only problem with Gone In 60 Seconds was, after watching it, 60 seconds later all memory of it was gone.

OK OK, if I try hard I seem to remember Nicholas Cage? Without his head on fire. And cars. Was there a suicide bomber somewhere too or is that yet another Cage saves the day film?

Kallarn said...

I liked gone in 60 seconds. Dr who got beat up by Nick cage in it.

Kiara said...

it was a decent movie. i like it. but then... cars turn me on.

* goes back to her talk with val *

Almeric said...

Only once have I played a female character - EQ1 as an Iksar Monkette as part of a roleplay plot I was doing. Meanwhile I had a male rl friend who decided to play a female woodie ranger.

I also knew a guy (not a friend) who played a high elf enchantress and roleplayed her as a lesbian. Different strokes, I guess *cringe*

The lesson learned from this was: Female characters have to have b00bies to get attention, presents, and creepy chat requests. My life as a girl Iksar was SO easy. I seem to recall EQ1 ogresses as having pretty spectacular cleavage, though. I wonder how popular they were with the fellas? ;)

My woodie cross-dressing friend was actually really jazzed to get the presents, and would give a friendly wink or somesuch to anyone who gifted him, but I think it eventually got a bit old. I can't imagine how it would be to get the really sick stuff on a regular basis.

What if you made your Surname "IsTotallyADude"...?

Homeslice said...

So what does this mean with all the cyborz offers that I get turned down on?

Unknown said...

I haven't run into any of that really. I never did understand the "special gifts for women" thing.
