Tuesday, October 2, 2007

believe it or not...

I try to be fairly laid back. I get excitable about things, but for the most part, I like life to be drama and hassle free.

Mostly because I'm high strung and something of a perfectionist (which is really just a nice way of saying an anal-retentive Virgo). As such, I tend to get a little... invested in things. Anything that puts pressure on me tends to end up magnified by like, oh a million or so, because of the added pressure I put on myself to do it right and make it perfect and whatever else leads me to develop an ulcer.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Shut up and read. Gods. Impatient much?

I'm applying for a job. An honest to god, real life, grown-up job. Which means instead of filling out an application with all the relevant information, I have to send a resume and a cover letter.

I never knew that writing a little 3/4 page blurb about what I want, who I am, and what I can do could be so stressful. My head is seriously on the verge of explosion. (It's a damned good thing I'm wearing black today. Brains are SO hard to get out of clothing.)

So here I am. Fretting. I swear if I were a cat I'd be shedding fur so fast I'd be bald.

I love pressure :D


Unknown said...

Do eeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Kiara said...

hush, woman!!!

Unknown said...

Hehehe Wha?

Kallarn said...

Good luck Kiara. They'll be too afraid to say no :p

Kiara said...


Kall... that hurts. Where's the love???

Kallarn said...

Aww, you'll do fine really. Interviews are horrible but get easier the more you do. Annoyingly i got the job from my first proper interview so i've got a long long way before it gets easier again.

As for CV's grr, so many people do it so many different ways and tell you their way is the right way. I hate it.

Kiara said...

oh gods tell me about it.

it doesn't help that I REALLY REALLY want this job.

I'm so excited about it.

Kallarn said...

whats it doing?

Kiara said...

cm at a gaming co.

Kallarn said...

Ooh nice. Definitely good luck then and free subscriptions all round :p

Unknown said...

Brains are not that hard to get out of clothing.. throw the article of clothing in a baggie, put the baggie in the freezer and wait about 30 minutes. Pops off easily. Its the fluid around the brain that is the pain, for that, you are going to be needing to scrub the affected area like with a blood stain.

Oh, and good luck on the job.