Tuesday, October 2, 2007

And the award for dumb idea goes to...

This lady.

I get how she thinks that things are gonna go down the tubes after seven years. I can't really say I blame her going strictly off personal experience.

I'm just not sure what exactly she thinks she's going to accomplish with this. It's just divorce with another name slapped on it.

It isn't going to make people more interested in staying together. It isn't going to take any pressure off and make it easier to get along.

If a marriage is over, it's over. Likely because the people shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. If it's going to last, it's going to last because the people involved are committed to making it work no matter what.

So I'm really failing to understand what the hell is going on in her head. Maybe she's seen too many reality shows.


Unknown said...

Hahahahaha!! What a maroon! Those crazy Germans strike again!

Lisa Mansell said...

Haha! Do you think that this is the consequence of two divorces and maybe feeling their financial pinch?

P.S. Don't let Homie see this story. As we are getting married next year, maybe he might start to lobby for this change in legislation!

Unknown said...

/raises hand sheepishly

Um.. I hate to point this out, but your arguments for getting a divorce and staying married are counter points to the same argument and don't really support the other point.

/ducks away quickly

Kiara said...

psibr... somehow i feel like i should be smacking you. but since what you said made no sense to me... * smack *

lol. I'll delete it before the bum reads it ;) * snogs Lisa *

Homeslice said...

Trying to hide things from me already?

I thought in marriage and relationships you share everything. Well almost everything...you get to keep away from my comp =P

The seven year thing is crazy. Either get divorced or never get married.