Monday, September 24, 2007

Everyone has an off day...

But gods is it embarassing when it happens.

Calthine sent me a link to this thread and I have to admit that I giggled. Fortunately it hasn't happened to me yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did at some point. Like the poor person in the thread I, too, have a tendancy to get a little distracted. Forums, blogs, netflix queue (mine's at some 300 or so movies eep!), tv, books, shiny objects... You get the idea.

This made me giggle since I'd just been telling her about an article I'd written (we'll be tossing that up late tonight for tomorrow's downtime) about how I multitask when I heal.

The bad part comes in with the fact that I was actually writing that article during a labs raid.

Okay, so labs is easy right? We farm it weekly (and this week was a GOOD loot run omg), and as such, we usually run through it in about an hour and half or so. Two hours if people are going ld or we're just goofing around.

This last run was one of our really not good runs. There was much badness when we got to Vymenn. This is a little amusing to me just because normally we're so good about it. The very next day, we spanked the Lyceum the way we're supposed to.

So that got me to thinking. What exactly is it that makes a day run so wrong that your raid just totally screws the pooch? I'd love to say that it can all be chalked up to the distracted inquisitor, but I know I'm just not that integral. What is it then? Just too many people woolgathering? A split second off on the pull? It can't be a lack of skill, cause we do it all the time. Perhaps a general klutziness about the entire raid force?

I have no idea really, but it made for an interesting saturday afternoon. Maybe next week, I'll turn off the tv...


Kallarn said...

Knowing Oakbark though (the author of said thread) i'm not surprised he hasn't already discovered everything he crafts so bloody much.

As for your raiding situation i think i can answer that. Carelessness.

If its just one of those days you're feeling a little crazy and cant be bothered to follow the proper rules about assisting or not running ahead or the like things go wrong for no good reason. Always check for a full moon on these nights.

I get distracted easily in raids, TV is on, chatting in tells and sometimes MSN and pulling up forums or blogs in between stuff. I almost fall asleep now in labs or lyceum i've done it too often but luckily EoF fights can generally hold my attention. Pick ups are the worst as they take so long and people dont put effort in most of the time.

Unknown said...

Grouping/raiding becomes easier the longer you group with the same people.

Like my brother and I can duo alot of stuff most people can't simply for the fact we know how each of us will react. We had a group like that in EQ1, we were invicible! Considering we have been playing these games since '99-00 together, it makes sense I guess lol

Kallarn said...

True enough and i hate PUG's/PUR's for that reason. when you can work so well with people you hate the near chaos that comes from anything else and you get frustrated.

There is one pair on splitpaw though who are chaos incarnate Delbethie and Foxtail but such a good laugh to group with you really don't care how many times you die (and you die lots).

Unknown said...

That was us in EQ1. We had a suicidal monk who would pull all of Burning Wood AND Gullerback, which he didn't realize he had gotten LOL He boxed that monk and a cleric. THE best healer I have EVER grouped with.

So many good times :( I miss them.

Kallarn said...

Aye those rare 'special' groups are the ones you remember.

Kiara said...

Yeah you're probably right. Labs is such oldhat by now that I'm sure there are days when people are just more interested in other things.

On a side note... It seems there is a limit to the number of links I'm allowed to put in any given side bar section so I'll be needing to start a new one. * sulk *

Kallarn said...

Did you start that book or does T have to beat you to within an inch of your life?

Unknown said...

I think that's why I have been playing EQ1 so much. I miss those times.

Unknown said...

OMG that's right! I WAS supposed to beat you!

Kallarn said...

You cant recapture it though :( i tried going back to SWG too many times for the same reason and now i just cant enjoy it.

Kallarn said...

a spanking a spanking!

Kiara said...

I was working :(

I'll dig it up tuesday since the game will be down :)

Kallarn said...

Hmm yeah bloody downtime means no raid, still it'll give me an extra night at the gym.....oh joy.

Unknown said...

I'm actually having quite a bit of fun with EQ1 now :)

Bend over Kiara! *gets out her riding crop*

Kallarn said...

I never played it originally but i bought it out of curiosity. It seemed so erm how to put it....bad that i only played it the once.

I guess its one of thos things you 'had to be there' for.

Unknown said...

If you can overlook the graphics it is still a great game.

Kallarn said...

See i couldnt, i'm a graphics snob and i cant go back once things have improved.

The ui looked awful and the graphics even more so, partly why i hated vanguard because the ui seemed identical lookswise and it felt like playing EQ.

Unknown said...

SNOB! I love graphics but if it doesn't have good gameplay, I'm out.

Kallarn said...

Well yeah but i meant old games i used to love that just look kinda bad and dated now, morrowind is a good example. Its not 'too' bad but when you compare it to its younger brother oblivion....

Unknown said...

I absolutely hate Oblivion lol I think I'm one of the few.

Kallarn said...

Only played it once. Graphically it was amazing but it didnt have the draw morrowind did.

Im fickle about what i like.

Kiara said...

haven't played it.

i liked morrowind... it was nice.

but yeah i can't go back and play eq now that i've been in eq2. cause seriously. the difference is considerable that's for sure.

Unknown said...

It's quite different but once I started playing it again the graphics weren't SO bad since I got used to them.

I wouldn't even bother with Oblivion, Kiara. It's way too much money for a game that sucks :D

Kiara said...

okay :)

Almagill said...

Almagill is the worlds worst raider.

I fall asleep on the way to dungeons*, somebody goes AFK for a nature break and we're all parked up in a safe corner... yeah, I get distracted by things like reading blogs or catching up on invoicing...

As for 'why do good raids go bad'? I've got a theory that, when you log in at the start of each session, the game does a hidden 'how much can we muck him up today' roll. Takes into consideration all sots of variable, like how much of an eejit are you going to look when the game bites you in the ass again, just how broke are you today and can you afford yet another pile of repairs... all that fun stuff ;)

*Never mind dungeons, drifted off while soloing in Sinking Sands last night, came to in Qeynos Harbour... like huh??