Monday, September 17, 2007

Back to things that...

Piss me the hell off.

Last time it was entitlement. I could probably continue to go on and on about that. It's everywhere and it's a disease that is destroying our society... But onwards!

Drama whores. I probably could just stop there, but I'll go on a little bit.

EQ2 is a game. G-A-M-E. It's there for fun. It's there to help you forget about the crap you deal with everyday in your life and provide a few hours of escape and imaginative fun. Of course there are people out there who take it too seriously, just as with all things in life. Then there are the people who try to ruin it for everyone else.

Every so often you'll run across someone who seems perfectly normal. Then BLAMMO!!! Out of freaking nowhere the shit hits the fan. The real reason that someone goes off the deep end doesn't really matter. It's the made up reasons that create the drama.

The people who are known as women online and seduce and romance guys and get presents and such out of them... Surprise! I'm really a man and don't you feel dumb now?

The bored wife who cybers everyone and their dog until her husband finds out and pitches a fit and forces her to quit the game or lose the cushy lifestyle... Suddenly turns into the uber bitch from hell and tells everyone that she was thrown out of the guild and forced to leave because people are stabbing her in the back.

It doesn't matter who or what. It only matters that they do everything they can to make everyone around them miserable and ruin the game for everyone else.

I hate this crap. It interferes with my fun and it's just too much real life invading my escape.

I know it's hard to avoid drama and such when dealing with any living being (please note I didn't say intelligent cause most of them are shit stupid). It's my own fault for playing games instead of reading books. I love my MMOs (bite me, I'm not saying MMOG so don't even start) and will continue to play them. I still just want to throw stuff at the stupid drama whores though. Fortunately, I've still got my books to escape from my escape... Which, in retrospect, is a little wrong, but oh well.


Unknown said...

I totally agree with you. People are crap. I remember we had a BIG blow out with our guild in EQ1. It was probably around 2001 or so. Some chick was cybering all the men, as you said, and they all started fighting when they found out and it was an ignorant mess. I pretty much booted them all out, wasn't going to deal with it.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with these games.

Kallarn said...

Books ftw.

Almagill said...

For the most part I try to stand back and just enjoy waiting for the inevitable train wreck that these dramas precede.

But yeah, sometimes it gets a bit much. Especially when it ends up splitting a guild, wrecking a town and leaving a big stink in the community and you're the idiot that, after taking a week of to do RL stuff and missing the drama, comes wandering back in and innocently asks "Hey, has anyone seen X and Y? Where did the mall go? What happened to the town??"

Oh the drama. And to think, we're playing to escape from this crap?