Thursday, September 27, 2007

book review

So. I finished Echoes of the Fourth Magic the other night.

Gotta say that I'm truly impressed. It was a fresh take on a post apocalyptic society.

I don't want to say too much and give anything away for those who haven't read it. If you haven't, I highly recommend that you do. The hottest geek I know told me to read the series, and damned if he wasn't right yet again.

There are two things that I really liked the most about the first book in the series and have me ready for the next.

The first is the way that Salvatore tied the old world to the new. This includes everything from the hold overs from the dead world that went before, to the speech patterns of the various races that were inherited from the few who came forward. It provides a nice solid background to the characters in the story and makes them feel like they fit in the places he's put them.

The other thing I liked, which will likely be a topic of future musing, was the main protagonists view of war and violence. Despite my road rage and the general joking about that I do, I'm actually not violent in the least. I unleash my temper through words and vent out the angry grr feelings by imagining horrid things and then throwing them away. I'd never actually do any of it because violence is... well... eww.

It's abhorrent and does nothing but beget more violence. We're a primitive people, genetically, and our biological urges haven't caught up to our super ego imposed societal mores. (Re-reading that, it looks dreadfully pretentious and vaguely along the lines of one of our all time favourite subjects of pokeage... so... it stays.) The point is, we're still rather base creatures. Prone to fighting and given to vengeance.

It's a hard urge to overcome and I battle with it every time some halfwit in a toyota cuts me off. But, battle it I do. And so does our hero in this novel. That, more than anything, is what endeared the story to me.

Yeah, we can make the world better... but we need to start with ourselves first.

Note: I no longer have a ton of time to read, as I've managed to wrangle myself all kinds of obligations for my time. So these will happen whenever I manage to finish a book. On my desk to be read (and waiting to be pulled out of boxes) there are currently at least 14 books. So bear with me. I'll get to them all eventually.


Kallarn said...

How many books in the series then?

Im currently piling up quite a few myself but i like to make note of decent series for when i run out of books.

*pushes the malazan books of the fallen into Kiara's box*

Very good story that for when you have time for another epic series.

Kiara said...

This series has just the three books, which makes me sad.

I'm also restarting the sword of truth series...

* adds Kall's books to her list *

Unknown said...

And you said you would read Martin's :( *bottom lip quiver*

Kallarn said...

I think we'll need to clone her just so she can do all this before the next millenium :p

Unknown said...

More clones!

Kallarn said...

Cloning is the way forward if only we could stop welsh scientists from leading the field and doing sheep all the time.

Kiara said...

i wiiiiiiiiiiill, Tainda. geez woman. there are only so many hours in my day!! i was reading this before you told me to read martin. i'll get to it!

Unknown said...

SNAP TO IT!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Kiara, was it you that read the Symphony of Ages series? If it wasn't you, you need to read it too!

Kiara said...

rhapsody etc?

yeah i read those. frelling amazing.

Homeslice said...

I am going to have to start checking out this reading thing. I always hear a lot of people talk about it.

Really it has just been a long time since I really read. I am reading Eragon right now and enjoying it but I am reading at random intervals.

I liked a lot of what Salvatore has done so will probably end up reading a lot of his stuff some day. I am just in no hurry to gather up books and carry them with me when I move or at least move across the ocean. The woman has a ton of books she will be bringing when we come back across so mine won't matter so much then.

Almagill said...

Kall said "welsh farmers.. doing sheep".. ah hahaha ahaha

ok, so? I'm easily amused.

Homeslice said...

I didn't think it was just the farmers!

Unknown said...

Yep, the Rhapsody ones Kiara. Some of my favorites :D